Stage 5 of the 2023 Renewi Tour was a lumpy stage that took place on .
The stage started in Riemst and finished in Bilzen, starting at with an expected finish at (average speed of 44 km/h).
The total distance of the stage was 186.9 km. The stage included 13 categorized climb(s) and 2 intermediate sprint(s), and had a total elevation gain of 1528 m, and a total descent of -1530 m.
No weather data available
The stage included 13 categorized climb(s) and 2 intermediate sprint(s).
The neutral start for this stage is 4.9 km long with an average gradient of 0.3%.
Côte de Hallembaye is a Climb, which starts at 5.9 km (176.1 km to go) and ends at 7 km (175 km to go). It has total distance of 1.2 km, and an average gradient of 4.9%, going from 66 to 123 meters of altitude.
Côte de Wonck is a Climb, which starts at 17.6 km (164.3 km to go) and ends at 18.2 km (163.7 km to go). It has total distance of 0.6 km, and an average gradient of 7.7%, going from 73 to 118 meters of altitude.
Keiberg is a Climb, which starts at 30 km (152 km to go) and ends at 30.5 km (151.5 km to go). It has total distance of 0.5 km, and an average gradient of 5.7%, going from 81 to 111 meters of altitude.
SUPER8 Sprint 1 is a Sprint at 50.6 km (131.4 km to go).
Slingerberg is a Climb, which starts at 54 km (128 km to go) and ends at 55.2 km (126.8 km to go). It has total distance of 1.2 km, and an average gradient of 4.3%, going from 61 to 113 meters of altitude.
Côte de Hallembaye is a Climb, which starts at 63.1 km (118.8 km to go) and ends at 64.3 km (117.7 km to go). It has total distance of 1.2 km, and an average gradient of 4.9%, going from 66 to 123 meters of altitude.
Côte de Wonck is a Climb, which starts at 75 km (106.9 km to go) and ends at 75.6 km (106.4 km to go). It has total distance of 0.6 km, and an average gradient of 7%, going from 78 to 118 meters of altitude.
Keiberg is a Climb, which starts at 87.2 km (94.7 km to go) and ends at 87.8 km (94.2 km to go). It has total distance of 0.5 km, and an average gradient of 5.6%, going from 80 to 111 meters of altitude.
SUPER8 Sprint 2 is a Sprint at 107.8 km (74.1 km to go).
Slingerberg is a Climb, which starts at 111.3 km (70.6 km to go) and ends at 112.5 km (69.4 km to go). It has total distance of 1.2 km, and an average gradient of 4.4%, going from 61 to 114 meters of altitude.
Côte de Hallembaye is a Climb, which starts at 120.3 km (61.6 km to go) and ends at 121.5 km (60.4 km to go). It has total distance of 1.2 km, and an average gradient of 4.5%, going from 68 to 121 meters of altitude.
Côte de Wonck is a Climb, which starts at 132.7 km (49.3 km to go) and ends at 133.2 km (48.8 km to go). It has total distance of 0.5 km, and an average gradient of 7.4%, going from 78 to 118 meters of altitude.
Keiberg is a Climb, which starts at 145 km (37 km to go) and ends at 145.4 km (36.6 km to go). It has total distance of 0.5 km, and an average gradient of 6%, going from 83 to 111 meters of altitude.
Green KM 1 is a Bonus sprint at 152.4 km (29.6 km to go).
Green KM 2 is a Bonus sprint at 152.9 km (29.1 km to go).
Green KM 3 is a Bonus sprint at 153.4 km (28.5 km to go).
Slingerberg is a Climb, which starts at 169 km (13 km to go) and ends at 170.2 km (11.8 km to go). It has total distance of 1.2 km, and an average gradient of 4.4%, going from 62 to 115 meters of altitude.
Keiberg is a Climb, which starts at 182.4 km (-0.4 km to go) and ends at 182.8 km (-0.9 km to go). It has total distance of 0.5 km, and an average gradient of 5.6%, going from 83 to 111 meters of altitude.
The final 3 km for this stage starts at 183.9 km, has an average gradient of 0.1%, reaching 79 m of altitude.