Stage 11 of the 2024 Tour de France was a medium mountain stage that took place on .
The stage started in Évaux-les-Bains and finished in Le Lioran, starting at with an expected finish at (average speed of 37 km/h).
The total distance of the stage was 211.5 km. The stage included 6 categorized climb(s) and 1 intermediate sprint(s), and had a total elevation gain of 4102 m, and a total descent of -3365 m.
No weather data available
The stage included 6 categorized climb(s) and 1 intermediate sprint(s).
Bourg-Lastic is a Sprint at 65 km (146.5 km to go).
Côte de Mouilloux is a KOM cat. 4 climb, which starts at 77.9 km (133.6 km to go) and ends at 79.8 km (131.7 km to go). It has total distance of 1.9 km, and an average gradient of 6.4%, going from 592 to 715 meters of altitude.
Côte de Larodde is a KOM cat. 3 climb, which starts at 86.1 km (125.4 km to go) and ends at 89.9 km (121.6 km to go). It has total distance of 3.8 km, and an average gradient of 5.6%, going from 586 to 796 meters of altitude.
Col de Néronne is a KOM cat. 2 climb, which starts at 164.9 km (46.6 km to go) and ends at 168.7 km (42.8 km to go). It has total distance of 3.8 km, and an average gradient of 9%, going from 898 to 1243 meters of altitude.
Puy Mary Pas de Peyrol is a KOM cat. 1 climb, which starts at 174.7 km (36.8 km to go) and ends at 180.1 km (31.4 km to go). It has total distance of 5.4 km, and an average gradient of 7.9%, going from 1148 to 1577 meters of altitude.
Col de Pertus is a KOM cat. 2 climb, which starts at 192 km (19.5 km to go) and ends at 196.4 km (15 km to go). It has total distance of 4.5 km, and an average gradient of 8.5%, going from 926 to 1307 meters of altitude.
Col de Pertus is a Bonus sprint at 196.4 km (15 km to go).
Col de Font de Cère is a KOM cat. 3 climb, which starts at 205 km (6.5 km to go) and ends at 208.2 km (3.2 km to go). It has total distance of 3.3 km, and an average gradient of 5.8%, going from 1109 to 1298 meters of altitude.
The final 3 km for this stage starts at 208.2 km, has an average gradient of -1.7%, reaching 1242 m of altitude.