The 2024 Liège-Bastogne-Liège was a hilly race that took place on .
The race started in Liège and finished in Liège, starting at with an expected finish at (average speed of 41 km/h).
The total distance of the race was 254.2 km. The race included 11 categorized climb(s) and 0 intermediate sprint(s), and had a total elevation gain of 3481 m, and a total descent of -3496 m.
No weather data available
The race included 11 categorized climb(s) and 0 intermediate sprint(s).
Côte de Bonnerue is a Climb, which starts at 73.6 km (180.6 km to go) and ends at 76.1 km (178.1 km to go). It has total distance of 2.5 km, and an average gradient of 5.1%, going from 314 to 443 meters of altitude.
Côte de Saint-Roch is a Climb, which starts at 116.1 km (138.1 km to go) and ends at 117 km (137.2 km to go). It has total distance of 1 km, and an average gradient of 8.4%, going from 358 to 438 meters of altitude.
Côte de Mont-le-Soie is a Climb, which starts at 159.1 km (95.1 km to go) and ends at 160.8 km (93.4 km to go). It has total distance of 1.7 km, and an average gradient of 6.2%, going from 446 to 553 meters of altitude.
Côte de Wanne is a Climb, which starts at 165.2 km (89 km to go) and ends at 168.9 km (85.3 km to go). It has total distance of 3.6 km, and an average gradient of 4.3%, going from 334 to 491 meters of altitude.
Côte de Stockeu is a Climb, which starts at 174.6 km (79.6 km to go) and ends at 175.6 km (78.5 km to go). It has total distance of 1 km, and an average gradient of 8.4%, going from 298 to 384 meters of altitude.
Côte de la Haute Levée is a Climb, which starts at 177.6 km (76.6 km to go) and ends at 179.8 km (74.4 km to go). It has total distance of 2.2 km, and an average gradient of 7.1%, going from 304 to 458 meters of altitude.
Col du Rosier is a Climb, which starts at 189.7 km (64.5 km to go) and ends at 194 km (60.2 km to go). It has total distance of 4.3 km, and an average gradient of 5.7%, going from 314 to 563 meters of altitude.
Côte de Desnié is a Climb, which starts at 205.8 km (48.4 km to go) and ends at 207.4 km (46.8 km to go). It has total distance of 1.6 km, and an average gradient of 7%, going from 265 to 376 meters of altitude.
Côte de La Redoute is a Climb, which starts at 218.5 km (35.7 km to go) and ends at 220.1 km (34.1 km to go). It has total distance of 1.6 km, and an average gradient of 8.2%, going from 140 to 271 meters of altitude.
Côte des Forges is a Climb, which starts at 229.5 km (24.7 km to go) and ends at 230.8 km (23.4 km to go). It has total distance of 1.3 km, and an average gradient of 7.2%, going from 185 to 278 meters of altitude.
Côte de la Roche-aux-Faucons is a Climb, which starts at 239.4 km (14.8 km to go) and ends at 240.6 km (13.5 km to go). It has total distance of 1.3 km, and an average gradient of 9.6%, going from 88 to 209 meters of altitude.
The final 3 km for this race starts at 251.1 km, has an average gradient of -2%, reaching 65 m of altitude.