Luino - Cittiglio
The 2025 Trofeo Alfredo Binda - Comune di Cittiglio will take place on .
The race starts in Luino and finishes in Cittiglio, starting at with an expected finish at (average speed of 40 km/h).
The total distance of the race is 152.3 km. The race includes 7 categorized climb(s) and 1 intermediate sprint(s), and has a total elevation gain of 2037 m, and a total descent of -1980 m.
No weather data available
The race includes 7 categorized climb(s) and 1 intermediate sprint(s).
The neutral start for this race is 4.3 km long with an average gradient of 0%.
Masciago Primo is a Climb, which starts at 25.4 km (122.6 km to go) and ends at 28.8 km (119.1 km to go). It has total distance of 3.5 km, and an average gradient of 4.6%, going from 292 to 451 meters of altitude.
Cuveglio is a Sprint at 51.8 km (96.1 km to go).
Orino is a Climb, which starts at 53.7 km (94.2 km to go) and ends at 56.6 km (91.3 km to go). It has total distance of 2.9 km, and an average gradient of 4.6%, going from 292 to 427 meters of altitude.
Casalzuigno (Casale) is a Climb, which starts at 66.5 km (81.5 km to go) and ends at 67.3 km (80.6 km to go). It has total distance of 0.8 km, and an average gradient of 7.1%, going from 302 to 359 meters of altitude.
Orino is a Climb, which starts at 88.9 km (59 km to go) and ends at 91.9 km (56.1 km to go). It has total distance of 2.9 km, and an average gradient of 4.6%, going from 292 to 427 meters of altitude.
Casalzuigno (Casale) is a Climb, which starts at 101.7 km (46.2 km to go) and ends at 102.5 km (45.4 km to go). It has total distance of 0.8 km, and an average gradient of 7.1%, going from 302 to 359 meters of altitude.
Orino is a Climb, which starts at 124.2 km (23.8 km to go) and ends at 127.1 km (20.8 km to go). It has total distance of 2.9 km, and an average gradient of 4.6%, going from 292 to 427 meters of altitude.
Casalzuigno (Casale) is a Climb, which starts at 136.9 km (11 km to go) and ends at 137.7 km (10.2 km to go). It has total distance of 0.8 km, and an average gradient of 7.1%, going from 302 to 359 meters of altitude.
The final 3 km for this race starts at 149.3 km, has an average gradient of -0.2%, reaching 258 m of altitude.