Maccagno con Pino e Veddasca - Cittiglio
The 2024 Trofeo Alfredo Binda - Comune di Cittiglio was a hilly race that took place on .
The race started in Maccagno con Pino e Veddasca and finished in Cittiglio, starting at with an expected finish at (average speed of 39 km/h).
The total distance of the race was 140.6 km. The race included 6 categorized climb(s) and 3 intermediate sprint(s). The race had a total elevation gain of 1774 m. The total descent of the race was -1729 m.
No weather data available
The race included 6 categorized climb(s) and 3 intermediate sprint(s).
Brissago Valtravaglia is a Sprint at 7.3 km (133.3 km to go).
Masciago Primo is a Climb, which starts at 12.9 km (127.7 km to go) and ends at 19.1 km (121.5 km to go). It has total distance of 6.3 km, and an average gradient of 3.9%, going from 258 to 505 meters of altitude.
Besozzo is a Sprint at 36 km (104.6 km to go).
Casalzuigno (Casale) is a Climb, which starts at 54.4 km (86.2 km to go) and ends at 55.2 km (85.4 km to go). It has total distance of 0.8 km, and an average gradient of 7.3%, going from 299 to 359 meters of altitude.
Cuveglio is a Sprint at 57.3 km (83.3 km to go).
Orino is a Climb, which starts at 77.1 km (63.6 km to go) and ends at 79.8 km (60.9 km to go). It has total distance of 2.7 km, and an average gradient of 4.9%, going from 292 to 426 meters of altitude.
Casalzuigno (Casale) is a Climb, which starts at 89.8 km (50.8 km to go) and ends at 90.6 km (50 km to go). It has total distance of 0.8 km, and an average gradient of 7.3%, going from 299 to 359 meters of altitude.
Orino is a Climb, which starts at 112.4 km (28.2 km to go) and ends at 115.2 km (25.4 km to go). It has total distance of 2.7 km, and an average gradient of 4.9%, going from 291 to 426 meters of altitude.
Casalzuigno (Casale) is a Climb, which starts at 125.2 km (15.4 km to go) and ends at 126 km (14.6 km to go). It has total distance of 0.8 km, and an average gradient of 7.3%, going from 299 to 359 meters of altitude.
The final 3 km for this race starts at 137.6 km, has an average gradient of -0.7%, and reaching 252 m of altitude.